
Trusted Source of Information

AFCPN strives to be the go-to and trusted source of information in the field of Customs Policy & Research in Africa. Upholding the highest standards of accuracy, transparency, and reliability, we ensure that our outputs, whether policy papers or research outcomes, meet the utmost quality benchmarks. Through rigorous research methodologies and a commitment to peer review processes, AFCPN stands as a reliable partner, delivering credible and valuable insights.

The organization actively encourages Customs professionals to not only consume information but to actively engage in the validation and verification of content. AFCPN hosts regular interactive sessions where professionals can discuss and scrutinize research outcomes, contributing to the ongoing process of ensuring the highest standards of information reliability.

Furthermore, AFCPN actively seeks feedback from its community, continuously refining its processes to align with the evolving needs and expectations of Customs professionals. By fostering a culture of transparency and accountability, the organization solidifies its position as a trusted partner in the quest for reliable information within the Customs landscape.

Moreover, AFCPN actively collaborates with renowned experts and thought leaders within the Customs domain. By involving these experts in the development and validation of information, the organization ensures that its outputs reflect a diverse range of perspectives and remain at the forefront of industry knowledge.

The commitment to being a trusted source is evident in AFCPN's continuous efforts to stay abreast of emerging trends, regulatory changes, and technological advancements. Through proactive research initiatives and collaboration with regulatory bodies, the organization ensures that its community receives information that is not only accurate but also anticipates future developments.